Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Empower yourself with free and relatable studying material to ace your exams
Level-up with crash courses, mock exams, and everything you need to succeed and learn at your own pace
📄 Exam 1 Material
Topics include Managerial Concepts, Cost Behaviour Analysis, Job-Order Cost Accounting, Process Cost Accounting, Activity-Based Costing, and Decision-Making
📄 Exam 2 Material
Topics include Incremental Analysis, Alternative Inventory Costing Methods, Pricing, and Budgeting
📄 Final Exam Material
Topics include Exam 1 & 2 Materials, and beyond
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My name is Ismail Francillon, and I started this initiative to empower others in their studying process by making learning accessible, relatable, and inexpensive. My insights are based on my academic experience studying Finance at Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business alongside working as a residential real estate broker in Montreal, Quebec which led me to get looks from top consulting firms, elite boutiques, and banks.
My raison d’être is to empower others by breaking down complex and ambiguous problems into bite-size, actionable and measurable solutions.
Hopefully this gives you a more human way to learn and be inspired!